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Fig. 2


O–C diagrams for comets C/1914 F1 Kritzinger (left-hand panels) and C/1946 C1 Timmers (right-hand panels). Upper panels show the time distribution of positional observations with corresponding heliocentric (red curve) and geocentric (green curve) distance at which they were taken (left-hand vertical axes). Horizontal dotted lines show the perihelion distance and vertical dotted lines the moment of perihelion passage. Dark grey curves represent the change of the comet’s elongation within the observed time intervals (right-hand vertical axes range from 180 to 180 degrees). The second panels from the top present the O–C based on NG solutions, the third panels show O–C based on a pure GR orbit. Residuals in right ascension are shown as magenta dots and in declination as blue open circles. The lowest panels show the comparison between the normalized weights of data between NG solution (dark blue points) and GR solution (light steel-blue points).

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