Planck 2013 results
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Table 6

Overview of parameters describing astrophysical foreground modelling, instrumental calibration and beam uncertainties, including symbols, definitions, and prior ranges (see text for further details).

Parameter ... Prior range Likelihood Definition

............ [0,360] C Contribution of Poisson point-source power to for Planck (in μK2)
............ [0,400] P
............ [0,270] C As for but at 143 GHz
............ [0,400] P
............ [0,450] C As for but at 217 GHz
............ [0,400] P
............ [0,1] C, P Point-source correlation coefficient for Planck between 143 and 217 GHz
............ [0,50] C, P Contribution of CIB power to at the Planck CMB frequency for 143 GHz (in μK2)
............ [0,80] C As for but for 217 GHz
............ [0,120] P
............ [0,1] C, P CIB correlation coefficient between 143 and 217 GHz
γCIB ............ [− 2,2] (0.7 ± 0.2) C Spectral index of the CIB angular power spectrum ()
............ [− 5, + 5] P
AtSZ ............ [0,50] C, P Contribution of tSZ to at 143 GHz (in μK2)
AkSZ ............ [0,50] C, P Contribution of kSZ to (in μK2)
ξtSZ × CIB ............ [0,1] C, P Correlation coefficient between the CIB and tSZ (see text)
ADust ............ [0,0.001] P Amplitude of Galactic dust power at = 500 (in μK2)

c 100 [0.98,1.02] ............ C Relative power spectrum calibration for Planck between 100 GHz and 143 GHz
............ (1.0006 ± 0.0004)
c 217 [0.95,1.05] ............ C Relative power spectrum calibration for Planck between 217 GHz and 143 GHz
............ (0.9966 ± 0.0015)
(0 ± 1) ............ C Amplitude of the jth beam eigenmode (j = 1–5) for the ith cross-spectrum (i = 1–4)

[− 3, + 3] ............ P Amplitude of the calibration eigenmode for the ith detector (set) (i = 1–13)
[− 3, + 3] ............ P Amplitude of the jth beam eigenmode (j = 1–5) for the ith detector(set) (i = 1–13)

Notes. Square brackets denote hard priors, parentheses indicate Gaussian priors. The “Likelihood” column indicates whether a parameter is used by the CamSpec (C) and/or Plik (P) likelihood. Note that the beam eigenmode amplitudes require a correlation matrix to fully describe their joint prior, and that all but are marginalised over internally rather than sampled explicitly.

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