Table 5
Overview of cosmological parameters used in this analysis, including symbols, the baseline values if fixed for the standard ΛCDM model, and their definition (see text for further details).
Parameter | Prior range | Baseline | Definition |
ωb ≡ Ωbh2 ......... | [0.005,0.1] | ... | Baryon density today |
ωc ≡ Ωch2 ......... | [0.001,0.99] | ... | Cold dark matter density today |
100θMC ......... | [0.5,10.0] | ... | 100 × approximation to r∗/DA (used in CosmoMC) |
τ ......... | (0.088 ± 0.015) | ... | Thomson scattering optical depth due to reionisation |
ΩK ......... | [−0.3,0.3] | 0 | Curvature parameter today with Ωtot = 1 − ΩK |
YP ......... | [0.1,0.5] | BBN | Fraction of baryonic mass in helium |
ns ......... | [0.9,1.1] | ... | Scalar spectrum power-law index (k0 = 0.05 Mpc-1) |
ln(1010As) ......... | [2.7,4.0] | ... | Log power of the primordial curvature perturbations (k0 = 0.05 Mpc-1) |
ΩΛ ......... | ... | Dark energy density divided by the critical density today | |
Age ......... | ... | Age of the Universe today (in Gyr) | |
Ωm ......... | ... | Matter density (inc. massive neutrinos) today divided by the critical density | |
zre ......... | ... | Redshift at which Universe is half reionized | |
H0 ......... | [20, 100] | ... | Current expansion rate in km s-1 Mpc-1 |
Notes. The top block lists the estimated parameters, with (uniform) prior ranges priors given in square brackets. The lower block lists derived parameters.
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