Planck 2013 results
Free Access

Fig. 13


Foreground model over the full range of HFI cosmological frequency combinations. The upper panel in each plot shows the residual between the CamSpec measured power spectrum and the “best-fit” primary CMB power spectrum, i.e., the unresolved foreground residual for each frequency combination. The lower panels show the residuals after removing the best-fit foreground model. The lines in the upper panels show the various foreground components. Major foreground components are shown by the solid lines, colour coded as follows: total foreground spectrum (red); Poisson point sources (orange); CIB (blue); thermal SZ (green), Galactic dust (purple). Minor foreground components are shown by the dotted lines: kinetic SZ (green); tSZ × CIB cross correlation (purple). The 100 × 143 and 100 × 217 GHz spectra are not used in the CamSpec likelihood. Here we have assumed and .

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