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Table 1

Summary of observations.

Star Filter DIT (s) NDIT × NINT Dither pos. TIT (s) Airmass Seeing τ0 (ms)

HD 163296 NB 1.64 0.3454 15 × 3 3 186.5 1.06 1.05 26
H 0.3454 140 × 6 3 3481.6 1.03 1.02 27
NB 2.17 0.3454 15 × 1 3 62.2 1.22 0.81 33
K s 0.3454 100 × 3 3 1243.4 1.16 0.97 27

HD 141549A NB 1.64 0.7 15 × 1 3 486 1.11 1.40 17
1 10 × 1 3
2 10 × 1 3
H 0.5 90 × 5 3 5400 1.08 1.66 14
3 75 × 1 3

HD 150193A NB 1.64 0.3454 20 × 3 3 248.7 1.26 0.62 44
H 0.3454 140 × 8 3 4642.2 1.21 0.58 45
NB 2.17 0.3454 20 × 2 3 165.8 1.10 1.43 17
K s 0.5 95 × 2 6 2280 1.09 1.27 18

Notes. The columns list the object name, filter name, detector integration time (DIT), number of integrations per retarder plate position (NDIT) multiplied by integrations per dither position (NINT), number of dither positions, total integration time (TIT) per filter, and average airmass, optical seeing, and coherence time. Note that TIT per filter is obtained from the sum of all (DIT × NDIT × NINT × dither pos.) multiplied by the four retarder plate positions.

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