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Fig. 8


a): Projected galactocentric distance of the cluster on the plane of the sky (x,z) is plotted over time. As the cluster moves along its open eccentric orbit, it encounters the variable tidal field caused by the GC. In Figs. a) to d) regions of maximum and minimum Galactocentric distances are marked with yellow and green boxes respectively. b), c): Projected distance of stars on the plane of the sky with reference to the cluster’s center, dcl, is plotted over time. Each line represents a trajectory of one star and colors are different to better distinguish lines. Trajectories of the cluster members are illustrated for the two mass ranges of 10 M<M< 20 M and M> 40 M in Figs. b) and c) respectively. d): Surface mass density of the center of the cluster is plotted over time. The density is calculated for a cylinder of 0.5 pc perpendicular to the plane of the sky.

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