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Table 3

LFC solar atlas in the 476.0–585.0 nm region.

λ σ EW Ident
Å m s-1 

5593.73963 51.73 41.4 NI1
5594.65538 41.16 64.0 FE1
5598.30493 30.29 82.1 FE1
5600.03586 31.28 28.5 MN2
5600.22349 16.07 36.7 FE1
5601.28320 40.22 97.7 CA1
5614.78097 18.89 41.8 NI1
5618.63788 6.06 49.9 FE1
5619.60420 13.80 33.3 FE1
5620.47933 19.18 36.8 FE1
5624.02998 11.99 49.7 FE
5625.32288 27.45 39.5 NI1
5633.95031 51.04 65.5 FE1
5635.82653 16.82 34.8 FE1
5637.12063 15.95 33.4 NI1
5637.40814 13.14 41.7 OS1
5638.26528 6.53 73.9 FE1
5641.44472 3.12 63.0 FE1
5644.12610 22.26 35.0 FE2
5645.61161 3.76 32.0 SI1
5649.67584 8.73 31.5 NI1
5649.99071 12.45 34.1 FE1
5650.68848 9.56 35.9 FE1
5652.32118 11.43 25.2 FE1

Notes. Wavelengths (λ) are in air transformed from vacuum assuming a refractivity of air for standard composition, at a temperature T = 15 °C and an atmospheric pressure of P = 760 Torr. The value reported are the mean of the positions measured in the five spectra together with their standard deviation. The full table is available in electronic form at the CDS.

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