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Table 2

DAOSPEC analysis of different Moon solar spectra.

Observation RVc RV σ N. lines ΔRV(O–C)b RV σ N. lines ΔRV(O–C)r
km s-1  km s-1  km s-1  km s-1  km s-1  m s-1  km s-1 

2010-11-25, 05-47-20 –1.190 –1.181 0.267 494 0.009 –1.169 0.061 239 0.020
2010-11-25, 05-49-42 –1.187 –1.180 0.248 484 0.006 –1.166 0.057 240 0.020
2010-11-25, 05-53-19 –1.182 –1.176 0.256 487 0.007 –1.158 0.059 236 0.024
2010-11-25, 05-55-20 –1.179 –1.176 0.263 490 0.004 –1.157 0.056 234 0.022
2010-11-25, 05-57-54 –1.176 –1.171 0.264 493 0.005 –1.158 0.057 236 0.019

Notes. RVc is the expected radial velocity computed with JPL ephemerides. RV, VR and σ are the mean radial velocities and dispersion of all the identified lines by DAOSPEC with respect to the input line list, separately for the two CCDs. ΔRV(O–C)b and ΔRV(O–C)r are the difference between the two quantities.

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