Open Access

Table 3

Number of clusters in each morphological type.

Type N cl Ncl(D avail.) Ncl(≤ Drep)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

EC1 132 125 44 16 56
EC2 195 177 54 25 68
OC0 56 49 17 10 36
OC1 22 22 6 3 11
OC2 290 167 136 133 475

Notes. The given numbers are for the whole sample (Col. 2), clusters with available distances (Col. 3), clusters with distances ≤ Drep (Col. 4), confirmed ( ref_Conf not empty) clusters with D ≤ Drep (Col. 5), and finally we give the estimated number of clusters with D ≤ Drep in an ideally complete sample (Col. 6). The distance Drep = 3.0 kpc defines what we call the representative sample (see Sect. 4.6 for details).

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