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Table 2

Optimisation results for the ten most promising GRBs.

GRB Λcut μb ⟨ α ⟩ T search σ tot
(   ) (s)

11091889 –5.3 1.1   ×    10-4 3.0   ×    10-2 1.5   ×    10-1 0.30 73.4 5 σ

11091889 –5.5 3.7    ×    10-4 3.5    ×    10-2 1.7    ×    10-1 0.32 73.4
08060725 –5.4 5.5    ×    10-4 6.5    ×    10-3 1.4    ×    10-2 0.33 164.3
11100892 –5.5 3.6    ×    10-4 2.2    ×    10-3 2.6    ×    10-3 0.35 75.4
10101417 –5.1 4.1    ×    10-4 1.2    ×    10-3 1.7    ×    10-2 0.89 723.1
10072809 –5.6 2.0    ×    10-4 9.6    ×    10-4 1.4    ×    10-2 0.49 268.6
09020174 –5.4 5.4    ×    10-4 7.0    ×    10-4 2.4    ×    10-2 0.39 126.6
11122048 –5.2 1.4    ×    10-4 6.2    ×    10-4 1.2    ×    10-2 1.13 66.5
09082967 –5.4 1.7    ×    10-4 3.9    ×    10-4 5.7    ×    10-3 1.02 112.1
11062215 –5.4 1.7    ×    10-4 4.3    ×    10-4 9.5    ×    10-3 1.42 116.6
08100914 –5.5 1.3    ×    10-4 3.5    ×    10-4 1.9    ×    10-3 0.94 70.2
all GRBs: 3 σ
mean –5.4 1.7    ×    10-4 2.0    ×    10-4 1.6    ×    10-3 2.85 80.4
sum 5.1    ×    10-2 6.1    ×    10-2 4.8    ×    10-1 2.4   ×    104

Notes. Optimised Λcut values for the ten GRBs with the highest discovery probabilities and the resulting expected number of background and signal events μb and μs at the significance level σtot. The consequent median angular spread of events ⟨ α ⟩ is also provided. In the last rows, the sum and mean of the values for all 296 GRBs at 3σ is given. The naming convention for the GRBs is similar to that used by Fermi, the last two digits of the GRB name correspond to the fraction of the day at which the burst occurred. The full table is available at the CDS.

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