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Table 4

Subset of the XWAS including the first 20 sources of the catalogue, ordered by right ascension.

XWASNAME F X 1 log LX2 OptID Type z ScosID Bj mag(3) R mag(3) I mag(3)

XWAS J000002.7-251136 3.1 44.50 X21207_032 BLAGN 1.314 283502201403207 21.53 21.33 99.99
XWAS J000021.2-250812 2.2 44.05 X21207_051 BLAGN 0.995 283502201406064 20.41 20.89 99.99
XWAS J000022.8-251222 2.5 44.61 X21207_028 BLAGN 1.600 283502201402588 20.69 19.92 19.45
XWAS J000025.3-251141 0.4 40.90 X21207_031 ALG 0.090 283502201403144 17.18 16.35 15.98
XWAS J000025.4-245421 1.7 43.60 X21207_112 BLAGN 0.720 283502201418119 20.04 19.12 18.60
XWAS J000026.0-250649 2.0 43.13 X21207_058 BLAGN 0.433 283502201407236 21.10 20.58 19.28
XWAS J000029.8-251213 7.1 42.70 X21207_029 ALG 0.160 283502201402660 18.72 17.39 17.11
XWAS J000031.8-245501 10.2 43.42 X21207_110 NELG 0.286 283502201417551 20.12 99.99 99.99
XWAS J000033.1-250917 0.2 41.87 X21207_046 NELG 0.324 283502201405124 20.33 19.01 99.99
XWAS J000034.6-250620 3.0 44.42 X21207_060 BLAGN 1.232 283502201407669 21.51 19.80 99.99
XWAS J000036.6-250104 1.5 43.34 X21207_092 NELG 0.592 564977178154666 99.99 21.09 99.99
XWAS J000100.1-250501 9.5 44.52 X21207_069 BLAGN 0.851 283781374297752 20.77 99.99 99.99
XWAS J000102.4-245849 9.5 43.81 X21207_101 BLAGN 0.433 283781374303399 22.28 20.13 99.99
XWAS J000106.7-250847 3.3 44.57 X21207_048 BLAGN 1.355 283781374294122 22.84 20.50 99.99
XWAS J000108.9-251613 0.6 44.62 X21207_016 BLAGN 2.800 283502201399377 21.98 99.99 99.99
XWAS J000109.2-245618 1.1 99.99 X21207_108 star 0.000 283502201416365 19.04 18.22 18.40
XWAS J000122.6-250020 15.3 44.86 X21207_096 BLAGN 0.960 283502201412632 19.41 18.61 18.94
XWAS J000222.4-255657 2.7 44.03 X00821_159 BLAGN 0.904 283502201366337 21.07 21.28 99.99
XWAS J000241.9-255414 0.6 41.21 X00821_176 ALG 0.100 283502201368671 16.74 15.72 15.35
XWAS J000253.5-260345 82.2 44.44 X00821_088 BLAGN 0.320 283502201360456 17.62 17.47 16.88

Notes. Null values have been substituted by 99.99.


Absorbed X-ray flux in the 0.5–4.5 keV energy band, in units of 10-14 erg s-1 cm-2.


Logarithm of the absorbed X-ray luminosity in the 0.5–4.5 keV energy band in erg s-1.

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