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Table 2

Multiplet f-values for several 4s   nl   S–4s   nl′   P transitions in Ca I.

4s ns  ← 4s n′p

5p 6p 7p 8p
1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P

6s [1] –0.4310 –0.7513 0.6041 1.802 0.1127 0.05513 0.03070 0.01133
[2] –0.7224 –0.7544 1.130 1.818 0.1891 0.06202 0.05094 0.01428
7s [1] –0.0879 –0.07423 –0.3403 –1.307 1.7170 2.268 0.1438 0.07550
[2] –0.0762 –0.07714 –0.3702 –1.298 2.064 2.253 0.1388 0.07864
8s [1] –0.0328 –0.02463 –0.0704 –9.717 –1.5708 –1.720 2.4519 2.694
[2] –0.0274 –0.02621 –0.0728 –9.659 –1.858 –1.703 2.646 2.680
4s np  ← 4s n′d

5d 6d 7d
1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P

4p [1] 0.2646 0.1119 0.04527 0.04933 0.02573
[2] 0.1167 0.08476 0.04013 0.03890 0.0124 0.02185
5p [1] 0.2513 0.3018 0.1352 0.1144 0.06512
[2] 0.2262 0.2909 0.1167 0.09789 0.0551 0.04839
6p [1] 0.6437 0.2497 0.1172 0.4253 0.1253
[2] 1.101 0.2193 0.0962 0.4574 0.0861 0.1399
7p [1] –0.0012 –0.1079 –0.7102 0.2655 0.5198
[2] –0.00037 –0.009354 –0.8375 0.2359 1.799 0.5565
8p [1] –0.0002667 –0.02078 –0.0004333 –0.1427 0.1082
[2] –0.003215 –0.01757 –0.0002868 –0.1339 –1.086 0.09796
4s nd  ← 4s n′f

4f 5fp 6f 7f
1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P 1S–1P 3S–3P

5d [1] –0.1698 –0.1938 1.094 1.256 0.08856 0.1243 0.01982 0.03303
[2] –0.1984 –0.1816 1.347 1.295 0.1246 0.1439 0.03224 0.04196
6d [1] –0.00012 −6.0 × 10-5 –0.2450 –0.3646 1.084 1.335 0.1704 0.1759
[2] –0.00352 −6.3 × 10-5 –0.2571 –0.3616 1.216 1.371 0.2021 0.1897
7d [1] –0.00004 −1.3 × 10-10 –0.02086 –0.001067 –0.06076 –0.4393 0.7998 1.278
[2] –0.00032 −2.2 × 10-4 –0.02938 –0.001719 –0.06599 –0.4604 0.9197 1.358

References. [1] Hansen et al. (1999); [2] This work.

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