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Table 1

Ca I lines observed in this work.

νki, cm-1 Line parameters Identification

This work ACE Chang et al. (2000) Iki (arb. u.) S/N FWHM, cm-1

1374.276(5) 1374.30 8.53 × 103 12.1 0.070(13) 4s5g 3G–4s6h 3H
1374.696(8) 1374.72 5.00 × 103 6.16 0.074(23) 4s5g 1G–4s6h 1H
1426.794(12) 1426.83 1.81 × 103 5.22 0.053(25) 4s5f 1F3–4s6g 1G4
1454.163(15) 1454.18 1.58 × 103 3.57 0.066(44) 4s6p 3P2–4s7s 3S1
1467.915(4) 1467.94 1.24 × 103 3.94 0.053(30) 4s5f3F4–4s6g3G5
1468.182(16) 1468.19 3.46 × 104 20.0 0.081(9) 4s5f3F2,3–4s6g3G3,4

2015.695(5) 2015.73 2.16 × 103 10.3 0.072(16) 4s5d 3D3–4s5f 3F4
2018.097(6) 2018.12 1.56 × 103 10.5 0.075(20) 4s5d 3D2–4s5f 3F3
2019.608(5) 2019.62 1.06 × 103 6.57 0.059(22) 4s5d 3D1–4s5f 3F2
2040.600(18) 2040.60 2.19 × 102 3.04 0.045(54) 4s6s 3S1–4s6p 3P0
2044.450(7) 2044.47 1.16 × 103 10.4 0.074(18) 4s6s 3S1–4s6p 3P1
2052.320(4) 2052.35 2.22 × 103 15.6 0.080(12) 4s6s 3S1–4s6p 3P2
2185.628(11) 2186.06 6.73 × 102 5.34 0.078(34) 4s5g–4s7h
2244.032(4) 2244.03 3.20 × 102 3.27 0.080(28) 4s5f 1F3–4s7g 1G4
2285.497(11) 3.06 × 102 4.63 0.063(41) 4s5f 3F–4s7g 3G
2525.683(7) 2525.69 1.94 × 103 7.02 0.097(22) 4s6p 3P2–4s6d 3D3
2530.833(4) 2530.31 2530.8394 1.42 × 104 6.80 0.112(14) 4s6p 3P1–4s6d 3D1
2531.644(8) 2531.74 9.28 × 102 3.48 0.063(36) 4s6p 3P1–4s6d 3D2
2597.630(13) 2597.53 1.19 × 102 3.35 0.030(76) 4s6p 1P1–4s7s 1S0
2703.832(7) 2703.85 2703.849 2.09 × 104 5.49 0.107(22) 4s4f 3F4–4s5g 3G5
2704.276(14) 2704.29 2704.2862 1.92 × 104 4.02 0.123(67) 4s4f 3F3–4s5g 3G4
2704.613(7) 2704.61 2704.6044 1.18 × 104 2.80 0.113(24) 4s4f 3F2–4s5g 3G3
3263.342(10) 3263.35 3.43 × 102 6.42 0.072(32) 4s5d 1D2–4s6f 1F3
3414.338(3) 3414.35 8.15 × 103 28.3 0.130(9) 4s5s1S0–4s5p1P1

4336.523(5) 4336.52 4336.5252 7.14 × 104 16.1 0.096(13) 3d4p 1F3–4s5g 1G4
4380.739(12) 4380.72 2.91 × 104 3.78 0.089(42) 4s4d 1D2–4s6p 1P1
4413.061(21) 4413.11 6.29 × 104 3.13 0.058(49) 4s4d 3D3–4s4f 3F3
4413.554(4) 4413.58 1.24 × 106 11.6 0.110(13) 4s4d 3D3–4s4f 3F4
4418.313(12) 4418.35 6.48 × 104 3.48 0.058(38) 4s4d 3D2–4s4f 3F2
4418.684(4) 4418.69 8.54 × 105 15.9 0.107(12) 4s4d 3D2–4s4f 3F3
4422.013(4) 4422.02 5.54 × 105 11.1 0.108(13) 4s4d 3D1–4s4f 3F2

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