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Table A.1

Rejected periodic TTV detections in our Kepler hot-Jupiter candidate sample.

KOI R / RE P (d) M T eff R TTV per. (d) Amp. (d) Sign. lev. (s.t.d.) Remarks

412.01 6.72 4.1470197 1.09 5584 1.17 8.29 > 1.4544 > 4.1 rot, 1
822.01 9.79 7.9193704 1 5458 0.74 24.523629 1.7424 7.4 rot
895.01 10.51 4.4094114 1.04 5436 0.93 11.436544 0.432 5.1 rot
1003.01 10.84 8.3605703 0.96 5126 0.8 277.700639 2.9808 9.6 FP, EB, 2
1152.01 15.97 4.7222521 0.58 4069 0.55 20.868549 0.7056 9.9 FP, EB, 2
11.810977 0.5616 7.5
1285.01 6.36 0.9374439 0.98 5278 0.83 374.812594 5.8608 65.1 FP
106.826193 1.9440 20.3
162.786912 1.4976 15.2
53.455926 0.5616 4.5
70.229651 0.5472 4.3
1382.01 22.64 4.2023359 1.1 5921 1.07 34.449497 1.4688 17.8 FP
17.397961 0.9792 11.3
1452.01 22.39 1.1522169 1.27 6834 1.76 30.290180 2.1312 37.6 EB, 3
6.308352 1.8144 31.7
4.802105 1.2960 22.1
74.432453 1.2672 21.6
144.927536 1.1952 20.3
44.359668 0.5328 8.1
58.309038 0.5184 7.8
192.864031 0.4608 6.7
50.584248 0.4320 6.2
1448.01 24.25 2.4865874 1.08 5658 1.17 11.177805 0.9360 8.4 FP
1540.01 31.64 1.2078535 1 5390 0.77 390.015601 0.6192 9.5 FP, EB, 2
55.962841 0.5904 8.9
2.426855 0.5904 8.9
44.640864 0.5472 8.1
2.485046 0.4176 5.8
32.99894 0.3888 5.3
1543.01 13.69 3.9643337 1.06 5821 0.87 96.99321 0.4464 9.1 FP
1546.01 9.92 0.9175471 0.93 5505 0.86 141.74344 5.3136 77.6 EB, 3
62.63702 2.7648 39.5
357.90981 2.2752 32.2
74.32181 1.4976 20.6
230.36167 1.4544 20.0
107.71219 1.3968 19.1
44.161809 0.9216 12.0
55.694793 0.6912 8.6
33.392326 0.6480 7.9
86.625087 0.5472 6.4
36.549708 0.4896 5.5
10.897400 0.4464 4.9
21.113973 0.4176 4.5

Notes. The vetting was based either on nongravitational processes at work (e.g. stellar rotation) that affect the transit time determination or on the reported improved status (false positive and/or eclipsing binary) of the candidates. Periods in italics are ambiguous, based on the analysis of the stellar optical light curves of the candidates. Stroboscopic periods are omitted. In the last column we refer to the cause of rejection FP: a false positive based on the 2013 January updated release of Kepler Objects of Interest. (1) The peak close to the Nyquist-freq., i.e. 2  Porb. (2) Classified as eclipsing binary by Ofir & Dreizler (2013). (3) Classified as eclipsing binary by Mazeh et al. (2013).

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