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Fig. 7


Ecliptic-toroidal structure of the 96P meteoroid complex. The plots illustrate the positions of radiants in the modified ecliptical coordinate frame (λA, βg) in the Hammer projection of celestial sphere. The common ecliptic longitude, λg, is replaced with the angle λA measured from the ecliptic longitude of the Earth’s apex. This apex is situated in the beginning of the frame. Plot a) shows the predicted radiants of theoretical particles in six filaments that approach Earth’s orbit, which were found for all eight modeled streams. Plot b) shows the mean radiants of the predicted filaments (empty circles) as well as the mean radiants of real photographic (empty squares) and video (asterices) meteors. NT, ST, H, and AH stand for the northern toroidal, southern toroidal, helion, and antihelion directions, respectively. (See text of Sect. 6.)

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