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Relations between YSZ and total mass for apertures determined from weak lensing mass profiles corresponding to density contrasts of Δ = 2500 (left), 1000 (middle), and 500 (right). In all panels the dark grey region represents the best-fitting relation obtained with slope and normalisation as free parameters, and the light grey region denotes the best-fitting relation obtained with the slope fixed to the self-similar value of 5/3. Previous results from Marrone et al. (2012), Bonamente et al. (2008), and the analysis of 62 nearby systems by Planck Collaboration (2011f) are shown for comparison. The masses in the latter two studies were derived from X-ray analyses. The original cylindrically integrated SZ signal measurement in Bonamente et al. has been converted to a spherically integrated measurement assuming an Arnaud et al. (2010) profile.

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