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Table 5

Properties of the observed and simulated CMDs.

Diagram Colour Magnitude N obs N mod  ≈       (Nthin  + Nthick  + Nhalo) Nmod/Nobs  ⟨ χ2 ⟩  Δmed

(u − g,g)  [−0.2,2.0)  [14.0,20.5) 238 724 261 205 43 285 133 603 84 550 1.09 555.43 0.5256
(g − r,g)  [−0.2,1.2)  [14.0,20.5) 279 174 312 093 94 590 134 209 83 587 1.12 408.15 0.2724
(r − i,r)  [−0.2,1.2)  [14.0,20.5) 479 913 433 533 145 784 183 777 103 955 0.90 222.62 0.2595
(i − z,i)  [−0.2,0.5)  [14.0,18.5) 220 144 237 249 97 560 114 468 25 236 1.08 160.60 0.2029

Notes. Col. 1 gives the colour and magnitude of the CMD. Cols. 2 and 3 list the ranges in colour and apparent magnitude, and Cols. 4 and 5 show the total number of stars in the data (Nobs) and model (Nmod) for each CMD. The stellar numbers of the three components are listed as Cols. 6 to 8 (Nthin, Nthick and Nhalo). Column 9 shows the ratio of star numbers of the model to the observations. Col. 10 lists the  ⟨ χ2 ⟩  of the Hess diagrams. The last column lists the median absolute relative difference Δmed of each Hess diagram for the region redder than the turn-off.

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