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Table 1

Properties of five fiducial globular clusters observed in the SDSS filter system.

ID (m − M)0 E(B − V)  [Fe/H] 

M71 13.02 0.25 –0.73
M 5 14.37 0.03 –1.27
M13 14.42 0.02 –1.54
NGC 4147 16.42 0.02 –1.83
M 92 14.58 0.02 –2.28

Notes. Col. 1 lists the names of the globular clusters. Colums 2 and 3 contain distance modulus and reddening E(B − V) from An et al. (2008). Column 4 lists the metallicity of each cluster. Harris (1996) metallicity values are adopted here to ensure that we have a consistent set. These clusters are used to enable us to compare with the TRILEGAL and Besançon models.

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