Fig. 3

A summary of the influence of varying the apparent selection criteria such as the survey apparent magnitude limit (r) and S/N limit in our fiducial lines (Hα, Hβ and [NII] λ6583) for three representative metallicity calibrations as labelled: KE08 (top row), PP04 (middle row) and KK04 (lower row). For each row, red contours show the 1, 2 and 3σ profiles for our fiducial selection criteria, while the black contours show how varying S/N ratio cut and survey apparent magnitude limit influence the position and shape of the MMR. The red and black solid lines are respective second order polynomial fits to the MMR data. The fitted position of the MMR varies slightly for all ratios, but these variations are small (i.e., typically < 0.05 dex).
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