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Table A.1

LGGS sources within d < 4″ of the silicate emission candidates identified as members of IC 10.

ID d (″) LGGS V V − R R − I

#3 2.33 J002001.84+591933.9 23.463 0.684 ...
2.89 J002001.22+591934.6 22.928 0.647 1.032
3.40 J002001.82+591930.5 22.891 0.691 0.653
3.83 J002001.96+591935.4 23.475 1.025 0.904

#4 0.18 J002002.61+591748.2 21.629 2.008 2.192
2.22 J002002.55+591750.3 23.484 1.020 1.241
3.29 J002002.94+591746.2 21.804 0.492 0.480
3.79 J002003.05+591749.5 22.522 0.440 ...

#6 0.31 J002003.23+591801.6 21.274 1.848 2.035
2.27 J002003.48+591800.2 23.084 0.537 ...
2.59 J002003.31+591803.8 23.142 0.938 1.183
3.77 J002002.94+591804.4 21.656 0.745 0.848
3.91 J002003.25+591805.2 23.494 0.703 ...

#7 0.25 J002004.54+591852.3 22.559 2.207 2.428

#8 0.21 J002005.11+591804.1 21.096 1.666 1.717
0.98 J002005.19+591804.6 21.529 0.238 1.206
2.52 J002005.00+591806.3 22.979 0.720 0.601
3.60 J002005.45+591801.5 19.672 0.875 0.997

#12 0.30 J002012.73+591712.3 22.020 1.722 1.978
2.23 J002012.75+591709.9 22.271 1.535 1.453
2.51 J002013.00+591713.1 23.496 0.845 1.139
3.02 J002012.59+591715.0 22.626 0.689 1.024
3.64 J002012.90+591715.4 23.185 0.928 1.220
3.82 J002013.19+591711.4 21.644 0.909 0.976

#13 0.25 J002022.28+591743.3 21.682 1.870 2.095
1.54 J002022.45+591743.0 22.817 0.632 ...
2.49 J002022.46+591741.3 21.704 0.358 0.290
2.93 J002021.97+591741.2 20.790 0.492 0.141
3.30 J002022.23+591746.5 22.346 2.662 1.090
3.33 J002022.13+591746.4 20.599 1.013 0.972
3.39 J002022.68+591742.4 21.850 0.478 0.779
3.59 J002021.87+591741.1 19.094 0.452 0.447

#14 0.18 J002022.01+591724.5 20.096 1.581 1.626
0.84 J002022.05+591725.1 22.266 3.631 1.774
1.63 J002022.10+591725.8 21.842 1.368 0.601
1.76 J002022.11+591725.9 22.051 1.566 0.616
1.89 J002021.78+591725.4 22.936 0.132 ...
2.25 J002022.22+591723.0 23.046 1.235 1.264
2.35 J002022.05+591722.1 21.650 0.932 1.078
2.45 J002021.85+591722.2 22.018 0.846 1.099
2.82 J002021.82+591726.9 23.105 1.172 1.418
3.75 J002021.68+591721.5 20.448 0.514 0.444
3.94 J002022.44+591726.3 22.516 0.469 0.702
3.96 J002021.60+591721.8 20.446 0.512 0.444

Notes. The LGGS ID in bold indicates the best match in terms of distance and infrared brightness.

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