Table 3
Estimated spectral types for objects with i − z > 0.21.
Object | Lower Limit SpT | SpT | Upper Limit SpT |
KOI-0641A | K5 | K7 | K9 |
KOI-0641B | M1 | M3 | M3 |
KOI-0641C | M3 | M5 | M5 |
KOI-0703B | K9 | M1 | M3 |
KOI-0298A | K5 | K7 | K9 |
KOI-0298B | K9 | M0 | M2 |
KOI-0658B | M3 | M3 | M3 |
KOI-0401B | K9 | K9 | M1 |
KOI-0422B | M5 | M5 | M6 |
KOI-0645B | K9 | K9 | M1 |
KOI-0433B | M3 | M5 | M6 |
Notes. Second and third columns represent the lower and upper limits (respectively) for the spectral type determination according to the method described in the text. Since no decimals have been considered, we estimate an error of one subclass for those with no differences between the error limits and the central value.
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