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Fig. 1


First calibrated G-band (left) and Ca ii H (middle) image in a 16-h time-series of active region NOAA 10930 at 2:30 UT on 2006 December 7. The region in the white rectangle is the region-of-interest, i.e., a small satellite sunspot. SOT/NFI magnetogram (right) captured at 18:46 UT on 2006 December 7. The rainbow-colored regions are the flare kernels derived from 32 Ca ii H images covering the M2.0 flare for 16 min from 18:47 UT to 19:03 UT. The time progresses from blue to red. A Big Bear Solar Observatory full-disk Hα (Denker et al. 1999) image taken at 18:39 UT is used to trace a small filament (reddish colors), which consists of a V- and sickle-shaped region. The annotation of the axes refers to heliocentric coordinates given in seconds of arc.

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