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Table A.1

YSO candidates projected over the region.

Name RA, Dec(J2000) J [mag] H [mag] Ks [mag]

18190736-1137591 18:19:7 –11:37:59.1312 7.016 6.283 5.492
18190884-1139265 18:19:8 –11:39:26.5932 15.859 14.684 13.888
18185686-1134000 18:18:56 –11:34:0.0192 13.448 10.152 8.255
18185863-1135413 18:18:58 –11:35:41.3448 14.492 13.956 13.547
18190584-1131161 18:19:5 –11:31:16.1292 16.194 15.234 14.556
18185132-1138198 18:18:51 –11:38:19.8348 14.913 13.997 13.395
18184741-1139346 18:18:47 –11:39:34.668 14.347 11.825 9.379
18185437-1134484 18:18:54 –11:34:48.4104 15.831 14.457 13.591
18185653-1133388 18:18:56 –11:33:38.808 16.310 14.856 13.937
18191623-1131588 18:19:16 –11:31:58.8 15.439 14.014 13.106
18191547-1132478 18:19:15 –11:32:47.832 15.336 14.708 14.256
18191209-1131439 18:19:12 –11:31:43.9248 13.528 13.162 12.820
18184689-1140203 18:18:46 –11:40:20.37 16.275 15.167 14.198
18191326-1132294 18:19:13 –11:32:29.4576 16.161 14.827 13.961
18191548-1134327 18:19:15 –11:34:32.7216 15.955 14.709 13.938
18184570-1139594 18:18:45 –11:39:59.4864 13.532 10.775 9.065
18190241-1139407 18:19:2 –11:39:40.7556 13.711 12.860 12.218
18190655-1137351 18:19:6 –11:37:35.148 14.757 13.902 13.322
18192507-1134108 18:19:25 –11:34:10.8876 12.806 10.280 8.657
18184479-1141092 18:18:44 –11:41:9.2148 15.483 14.647 13.955
18185316-1138319 18:18:53 –11:38:31.9632 15.598 14.851 14.331
18184510-1135094 18:18:45 –11:35:9.4632 14.612 13.099 12.139
18191292-1133406 18:19:12 –11:33:40.6296 14.524 13.864 13.407
18185691-1138354 18:18:56 –11:38:35.4084 14.700 14.329 13.891
18184716-1138575 18:18:47 –11:38:57.5988 15.651 14.994 14.453
18193130-1136578 18:19:31 –11:36:57.8808 15.991 15.031 14.388
18190185-1131418 18:19:1 –11:31:41.8692 16.039 15.142 14.363
18190169-1141155 18:19:1 –11:41:15.5688 15.338 14.318 13.671
18184726-1133344 18:18:47 –11:33:34.4772 15.087 14.519 14.044
18191809-1138460 18:19:18 –11:38:46.0824 15.443 14.408 13.668
18185062-1132452 18:18:50 –11:32:45.294 16.203 15.118 14.242
18184694-1138052 18:18:46 –11:38:5.2584 15.518 14.927 14.469
18185224-1140231 18:18:52 –11:40:23.1708 14.921 14.073 13.484
18190983-1140452 18:19:9 –11:40:45.228 16.219 14.999 14.138
18184996-1137399 18:18:49 –11:37:39.9936 15.938 14.338 13.379
18191577-1137174 18:19:15 –11:37:17.4504 15.883 14.867 14.223
18185159-1136448 18:18:51 –11:36:44.8344 15.644 14.755 13.955
18190499-1140419 18:19:4 –11:40:41.9808 15.997 14.832 14.012
18192064-1140341 18:19:20 –11:40:34.1004 15.215 14.217 13.566

IRAC (Class I)
Name RA, Dec(J2000)  [3.6] [mJy]  [4.5] [mJy]  [5.8] [mJy]  [8.0] [mJy]

G018.8888+01.8312 18:18:47 –11:36:41.6088 1.389000 0.923700 2.600000 5.412000
G018.8152+01.8312 18:18:39 –11:40:34.9572 4.999000 6.915000 9.280000 10.660000
G018.8190+01.8261 18:18:40 –11:40:31.3932 2.304000 5.135000 10.280000 8.187000
G018.8158+01.8223 18:18:41 –11:40:48.1116 8.123000 11.270000 15.860000 18.620001
G018.8550+01.7845 18:18:54 –11:39:48.0924 19.340000 15.520000 26.340000 43.950001
G018.8514+01.7792 18:18:54 –11:40:8.3856 0.895400 1.261000 2.747000 2.281000
G018.8540+01.8193 18:18:46 –11:38:52.0728 4.180000 3.822000 4.604000 6.690000
G018.8626+01.8707 18:18:36 –11:36:57.4668 2.881000 9.610000 20.260000 21.110001
G018.8565+01.7810 18:18:55 –11:39:49.2012 2.993000 2.224000 6.030000 15.150000
G018.8569+01.7784 18:18:55 –11:39:52.3584 3.836000 2.565000 4.646000 8.199000
G018.7823+01.8288 18:18:36 –11:42:23.4252 5.035000 5.525000 6.159000 9.447000
G018.9059+01.6493 18:19:29 –11:40:56.3916 1.625000 0.925700 1.329000 2.185000
G018.7887+01.7997 18:18:43 –11:42:52.6608 11.310000 10.780000 10.240000 8.016000
G018.7500+01.7978 18:18:39 –11:44:58.5132 1.633000 1.678000 1.464000 1.380000
G018.8687+01.7831 18:18:55 –11:39:6.9192 6.715000 7.711000 9.600000 8.156000
G018.7872+01.8240 18:18:37 –11:42:16.1028 3.466000 3.565000 3.959000 3.744000
G018.7660+01.8084 18:18:38 –11:43:49.5444 12.800000 12.590000 11.850000 11.430000
G018.7741+01.8274 18:18:35 –11:42:51.7788 3.781000 3.821000 3.752000 4.299000
G018.7748+01.8111 18:18:39 –11:43:17.2596 1.671000 1.770000 1.929000 1.675000
G018.7760+01.7794 18:18:46 –11:44:7.3068 2.620000 2.677000 2.298000 1.841000
G018.7769+01.8381 18:18:33 –11:42:24.696 2.354000 2.556000 2.122000 2.144000
G018.9792+01.7830 18:19:80 –11:33:16.7724 10.160000 9.544000 5.075000 2.799000
G018.7823+01.8288 18:18:36 –11:42:23.4252 5.035000 5.525000 6.159000 9.447000
G018.7723+01.7188 18:18:58 –11:46:2.0496 2.182000 2.357000 1.775000 0.922700

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