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Table 3

Stellar and wind parameters of models used to compare synthetic nitrogen line profiles from fastwind and cmfgen.

Model Code Teff R ∗  log g log Q
(K) (R) (cgs)

d2v cmfgen 46 100 11.4 4.01 –12.43
E4740 fastwind 47 000 4.00 –12.45
d4v cmfgen 41 010 10.0 4.01 –12.75
D4140 fastwind 41 000 4.00 –12.80

s2a cmfgen 44 700 19.6 3.79 –11.99
F4540 fastwind 45 000 3.80 –12.15
s4a cmfgen 38 700 21.8 3.57 –12.15
F3935 fastwind 39 000 3.50 –12.15

Notes. The grid is a subset of the grid presented by Lenorzer et al. (2004). For details, see Paper I. Even entries provide those parameters from our fastwind grid models which reproduce best the H/He spectra from cmfgen. All models were calculated with vmic= 10 km   s-1, and with four different nitrogen abundances, [N] = 7.78, 7.98, 8.38, 8.78. Wind strength parameter, Q, calculated in units of M yr-1, R and km   s-1.

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