Fig. 2
The probability of identifying CVs within SDSS if their optical emission is dominated by the luminosity of the accretion-heated WD as a function of Mwd. From top to bottom: the effective temperature calculated using Eq. (1) in Townsley & Gänsicke (2009); Rwd2; the absolute i-band magnitude; the minimum and maximum distance at which SDSS will have obtained follow-up spectroscopy; the effective survey volume for a spherical cap with b > 30°, Hz = 200 pc, and dmin < d < dmax, and the relative probability normalized to Mwd = 0.6 M⊙. Three secular mean accretion rates are shown, ⟨ Ṁ ⟩ = 3 × 10-11 M⊙ yr-1 (solid lines), 10-10 M⊙ yr-1 (dotted lines), and 3 × 10-10 M⊙ yr-1 (dashed lines).
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