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Fig. 4


The first four panels show, from top to bottom: the number of injected comets, the fraction of injected comets in set G, the fraction in set S, and the sum of these two fractions, all plotted versus the semi-major axis at injection (ainj). In these plots, the full black lines correspond to quiescent comets and the full grey lines to the non-quiescent comets. The dotted black line in the uppermost plot shows the number of comets (given on the right axis) in the Oort Cloud at 3 Gyr. The horizontal grey line in the bottom plot indicates the value of unity for the sum of the two fractions. The fifth panel shows the fraction of injected comets that are not injected any more, if one removes the stellar perturbations during the last revolution (black line), and the fraction of comets injected in a tides-only model that are not injected any more, when one adds the stellar perturbations (grey line). In all the plots, the vertical dashed line indicates the threshold acrit, below which no comets belong to the G set.

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