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Table 1

STIS HST observations.

Slit position Grating Spectral Res. (Å/pixel) λc (Å) Exposure time (s) Wavelength coverage (Å) Data sets

Pos. 1 G750L 4.88 7751 1300 5260–10 250 o6ms06010,o6ms06020
Pos. 2 G750L 4.88 7751 650 5260–10 250 o6ms06030
Pos. 1 G430L 2.75 4300 1580 2900–5700 o6ms06060,o6ms06070
Pos. 2 G430L 2.75 4300 1600 2900–5700 o6ms06080,o6ms06090
Pos. 1 G750M 0.554 6768 825 6485–7050 o6ms060b0
Pos. 2 G750M 0.554 6768 1800 6485–7050 o6ms060c0, o6ms060d0

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