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Table 2

New Fe vii, Fe viii, and Ne vi lines detected in PG 1159−035.

Wavelength / Å Ion Transition

1006.09 Fe viii
1062.44 Fe viii
1073.95 Fe vii 4s 1D−4p  1Po
1095.34 Fe vii
1117.58 Fe vii 4s  1D−4p  1Fo
1125.49 Fe viii
1141.43 Fe vii
1148.22 Fe viii
1154.99 Fe vii
1163.88 Fe vii
1166.17 Fe vii
1180.82 Fe vii
1226.65 Fe vii
1239.69 Fe vii
1332.38 Fe vii 4s  1D−4p  1Do
1645.06 Ne vi
1645.59 Ne vi
1654.01 Ne vi
1657.16 Ne vi
1666.24 Ne vi
1667.82 Ne vi
1679.67 Ne vi

Notes. This table augments the UV line list of Jahn et al. (2007), their Table 2.

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