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Table A.1

Measured RV, EW(Hα), W10(Hα), and their corresponding uncertainties.

Time R V   σR V  
[JD−2 400 000 d] [m s-1] [m s-1] [Å] [Å] [Å] [Å]

55 256.86690 2645 335 –6.02 0.21 9.80 0.07
55 346.70410 1593 302 –9.84 0.13 9.14 0.05
55 347.63521 1859 315 –10.44 0.17 8.54 0.06
55 348.73788 2041 260 –13.17 0.19 9.24 0.02
55 349.74833 2223 400 –11.42 0.20 8.45 0.08
55 351.69950 2331 112 –12.80 0.24 8.45 0.03
55 355.49994 2108 192 –8.83 0.12 8.37 0.08
55 355.68805 2300 195 –8.96 0.13 8.73 0.10
55 355.85300 1784 784 –9.85 0.20 8.84 0.11
55 356.78750 1529 303 –8.24 0.20 9.35 0.07
55 358.63746 3925 494 –9.17 0.15 9.20 0.03
55 358.71724 2364 408 –9.15 0.14 9.21 0.06
55 360.72711 2664 358 –10.35 0.13 8.86 0.13
55 362.48448 2432 215 –9.55 0.15 7.78 0.04
55 362.57222 1732 205 –9.67 0.11 7.97 0.07
55 396.51686 3415 245 –10.48 0.20 7.63 0.06
55 396.57497 2641 306 –10.73 0.08 7.90 0.03
55 396.61357 2388 123 –10.91 0.17 8.37 0.02
55 396.66325 3566 214 –10.90 0.16 8.69 0.05
55 396.69535 2672 382 –11.18 0.08 8.75 0.03
55 397.52834 1992 339 –10.01 0.11 8.27 0.05
55 397.59554 2288 247 –9.99 0.13 8.11 0.11
55 397.64898 2739 381 –10.02 0.30 8.05 0.03
55 397.68781 2866 241 –10.27 0.15 8.06 0.09
55 398.51102 1932 519 –11.25 0.29 8.45 0.09
55 400.51882 2692 303 –10.66 0.14 10.03 0.06
55 400.57368 2159 173 –10.18 0.22 9.65 0.06
55 400.61784 2891 239 –9.70 0.14 9.64 0.10
55 400.67505 2803 321 –9.52 0.20 9.41 0.07
55 401.48617 3341 376 –10.65 0.17 9.20 0.03
55 401.63979 3461 215 –10.01 0.17 9.23 0.02
55 401.69736 1035 546 –9.56 0.21 8.93 0.07
55 402.56980 2032 374 –9.41 0.00 8.63 0.06
55 402.62734 3849 347 –9.35 0.24 8.36 0.11
55 402.69271 1769 433 –8.77 0.18 8.09 0.06
55 403.56511 2802 378 –8.49 0.19 8.81 0.04
55 403.59827 2209 193 –8.08 0.23 8.48 0.13
55 403.63910 2810 471 –8.05 0.19 8.60 0.11
55 403.67692 1898 311 –7.99 0.23 8.59 0.11
55 404.50509 3058 250 –8.80 0.18 9.55 0.05
55 404.67289 2932 247 –9.56 0.18 9.61 0.06
55 405.63121 2431 197 –12.65 0.16 9.74 0.07
55 405.68095 2686 313 –12.62 0.19 9.55 0.04
55407.58835 3106 371 –10.67 0.16 8.52 0.02

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