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Table 1

Summary of the observations collected for the study.

Nebular imaging
Instrument Filter # λ0 (Å) FWHM (Å)

WFC Hα 197 6568 95
(INT) Hα redsh. 228 6805 93
(0.33 arcsec/pix) Hβ narrow 225 4861 30
Hβ broad 224 4861 170
[O iii] 196 5008 100
[S ii] 212 6725 80

Nebular spectroscopy
Grid λ0 (Å) Spect. range (Å) Δλ (Å/pix)

ISIS R600B 4368 3386–5102 0.45
(WHT) R600R 6718 6064–7585 0.49

Stellar spectroscopy
Grid λ0 (Å) Spect. range (Å) Δλ (Å/pix)

IDS H 2400B 4320 4060–4590 0.24
(INT) H 2400B 4800 4550–5070 0.24
H 1800V 6400 6090–6760 0.31

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