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Fig. 1


Left panel: integrated emission of the blue- and red-shifted wings in the CO(2–1) line overlaid on the H2 emission at 2.12 μm (grey scale). The solid contours show the EHV blue- (v =  [−200,   −130]  km s-1) and red-shifted emission (v =  [90,   120]  km s-1); the dashed contours mark the HV blue- (v =  [−130,   −25]  km s-1) and red-shifted emission (v =  [16,   50] km s-1). The dashed lines and the solid arrow outline the possible molecular outflows identified in CO (OF1, OF2, OF3, see discussion in Sect. 2); the dotted line marks the alternative direction of the OF2 outflow. The central box outlines the region mapped in the right panel. The squares mark the positions of the red- and blue-shifted CO(2–1) peaks. Right panel: continuum emission at 1.3 mm from the maser zone in IRAS 17233 (solid black contours from 50% of peak emission in step of 15%, see Sect. 4.1). Overlaid on the map are the positions of the OH (blue and red squares, Fish et al. 2005), CH3OH (black triangles, Walsh et al. 1998) and water (blue and red open triangles, Zapata et al. 2008) masers. The green contour levels show the continuum emission at 1.3 cm (from 1.4 mJy beam-1, 3σ, in step of 1.4 mJy beam-1; Zapata et al. 2008), while the grey scale map is the H2 emission. The solid blue and red contours represent the SO(56−45) blue- and red-shifted emission (blue: from 80 to 104 Jy km s-1 beam-1 in step of 10 Jy km s-1 beam-1; red: 10 and 12 Jy kms-1 beam-1). The dashed red contour shows the EHV red-shifted CO(2−1) emission. OF1, OF2 and OF3 are marked as in left panel.

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