Fig. 6

GRB 050509b position in the Ep,i/Eiso plane. The continuous orange lines show the best-fit power law of the Ep,i − Eiso correlation and the dotted gray ones are the 2σ confidence region, as determined by Amati et al. (2009). The green lower limit (2.6 × 1048 < Eiso ≲ 7.8 × 1048 erg and Ep,i > 184 keV, computed following Bloom et al. 2006) and the blue lower limit (5 × 1048 < Eiso < 3 × 1049 erg and Ep,i > 67 keV, computed following the more conservative approach described in this paper) correspond to the short hard spikelike emission observed by BAT. The red dot (Eiso ~ 4 × 1048 erg, Ep,i ~ 2.8 keV) corresponds to the unobserved peak of the extended afterglow theoretically computed within the fireshell model.
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