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Table A.2

The results for each type of holonomies.

Holonomy type Number of Number of Topological Topological
quasars ghosts index Smult index Ssimp

Translation: I 1980 12 6.60 × 10-11 6.24 × 10-11
Translation: II 1964 28 9.01 × 10-11 6.07 × 10-11
Translation: III 1970 40 9.59 × 10-11 6.95 × 10-10
Half-turn corkscrew motion: I 1976 16 6.97 × 10-11 7.21 × 10-11
Half-turn corkscrew motion: II 2044 24 1.60 × 10-10 1.44 × 10-10
Quarter-turn corkscrew motion 2007 20 1.36 × 10-10 1.43 × 10-10
Third-turn corkscrew motion 2028 12 1.57 × 10-10 1.27 × 10-10
Sixth-turn corkscrew motion 2014 14 1.42 × 10-10 1.37 × 10-10
Glide reflection: I 1973 20 7.76 × 10-11 6.94 × 10-11
Glide reflection: II 1950 38 1.34 × 10-10 1.11 × 10-10

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