Open Access

Table 1

Observational parameters of the tracers used in the present paper.

Telescope Tracer Frequency HPBW Velocity range Δ vres 1σ rms
/Survey [GHz] [arcsec] [] []

VLA/VGPS H I 1.420 60″ –120 to 170 1.56 1.80 K   km   s-1
CfA/CfA 12CO 1–0 115.271 450″ –0.5 to 271 0.65 0.22 K   km   s-1
KOSMA/present paper 12CO 2–1 230.537 130″ 0 to 200 0.20 0.11 K   km   s-1
KOSMA/present paper 12CO 3–2 345.796 80″ 0 to 200 0.30 0.52 K   km   s-1
FCRAO/GRS 13CO 1–0 110.201 46″ –5 to 135 0.21 0.13 K   km   s-1
APEX/ATLASGAL 870 μm continuum ... 19″ ... ... 60   mJy   beam-1
SPITZER/GLIMPSE 8 μm continuum ... 6″ ... ... 0.08   mJy   beam-1

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