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Table 3

Comparison of realistic rate estimates from this work with the estimates given in LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration (2010a).

Rlow Rre Rhigh Rmax

NS-NS (Myr-1   Mpc-3) 0.01 1 10 50
NS-BH (Myr-1   Mpc-3) 6 × 10-4 0.03 1
this work (Myr-1   Mpc-3) 0.03 7.8 104

Rlow Rre Rhigh Rmax

NS-NS () 0.5 50 500 2500
NS-BH () 0.03 1.5 50
this work () 1.5 390 5 × 105

Notes. In this table, Rlow is identified with the pessimistic estimate (the minimum rate obtained in this work), Rpl with the plausible estimate (the median rate obtained in this work), Rhigh with the plausible optimistic estimate, and Rmax with the upper limit (the upper limit in this work as well). The conversion factor between the two units is 0.0198 L10 / Mpc3 (Kopparapu et al. 2008).

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