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Table 1

28 type-I gamma ray bursts with possible redshift measurements and T90 duration equal to or shorter than four secondsa.

GRB Instrument Optical afterglow Duration [s] Redshift Classification

020531 HETE yes 1.0 1.0 probable
040924 HETE yes  ~1.5 0.859 reliable
050416 SWIFT/XRT yes 2.4  ±  0.2 0.6535  ±  0.002 reliable
050509B SWIFT/XRT no? 0.03 0.2248  ±  0.0002 implausible
050709 HETE yes 0.22  ±  0.05 0.1606  ±  0.0001 reliable
050724 SWIFT/XRT yes 3.0  ±  1.0 0.2576  ±  0.0004 reliable
050813 SWIFT/XRT yes? 0.6  ±  0.1 0.722 probable
050906 SWIFT/BAT no 0.128  ±  0.016 0.43 implausible
051016B SWIFT/XRT yes 4.0  ±  0.1 0.9364 reliable
051221A SWIFT/XRT yes 1.4  ±  0.2 0.5465 reliable
060502B SWIFT/XRT no 0.09  ±  0.02 0.287 reliable
060505 SWIFT/XRT yes 4  ±  1 0.089 probable
060801 SWIFT/XRT no 0.5  ±  0.1 1.131 reliable
061006 SWIFT/XRT yes 130  ±  10 0.4377  ±  0.0002 reliable
061201 SWIFT/XRT yes 0.8  ±  0.1 0.111 reliable
061210 SWIFT/XRT no 85  ±  5 0.41 implausible
061217 SWIFT/XRT no 0.3  ±  0.05 0.827 probable
070209 SWIFT/BAT no 0.10  ±  0.02 0.314 implausible
070406 SWIFT/BAT no 0.7  ±  0.2 0.11 implausible
070429B SWIFT/XRT yes? 0.5  ±  0.1 0.9023  ±  0.0002 reliable
070714B SWIFT/XRT yes 64  ±  5 0.9225  ±  0.0001 reliable
070724 SWIFT/XRT no 0.4  ±  0.04 0.457 probable
070810B SWIFT/XRT no? 0.08  ±  0.01 0.49 probable
071227 SWIFT/XRT yes 1.8  ±  0.4 0.384 reliable
080121 SWIFT/XRT no 0.7  ±  0.2 0.046 probable
080520 SWIFT/XRT yes 2.8  ±  0.7 1.545 reliable
090417A SWIFT/BAT no 0.072  ±  0.018 0.088 implausible
090510 SWIFT/XRT yes 0.3  ±  0.1 0.903  ±  0.003 reliable

Notes. The data for these GRB’s are taken from (O’Shaughnessy et al. 2008b) and from diverse GCN circulars ( Reliable redshift values are marked in bold, while implausible redshift values are marked in italics.


The duration refers to the earth frame. No cosmological correction was applied because of the a priori unknown redshift.

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