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Table 8

Redshift evolution in the RLF, quantified by simultaneous fits to the RLF amplitude, shape and evolution.

Cluster Source Priors y b x w αφ α L
sample catalog

maxBCG FIRST 36.38  ±  1.02 1.05  ±  0.73 24.53  ±  0.18 0.66  ±  0.13  −2.46  ±  1.58 6.20  ±  1.76 1.07
maxBCG FIRST αφ = 0 36.34  ±  0.92 0.91  ±  0.81 24.87  ±  0.14 0.72  ±  0.21 (0.0) 3.99  ±  1.24 1.19
maxBCG FIRST αL = 0 36.74  ±  0.89 1.01  ±  0.55 25.11  ±  0.11 0.71  ±  0.19 1.03  ±  1.14 (0.0) 2.25

X-ray FIRST (a) 36.19  ±  0.19 (1.05) (24.53) (0.66) 0.76  ±  1.86 8.12  ±  2.67 0.94
X-ray FIRST (a); αφ = 0 36.26  ±  0.10 (1.05) (24.53) (0.66) (0.0) 8.19  ±  2.66 0.89
X-ray FIRST (a); αL = 0 35.89  ±  0.18 (1.05) (24.53) (0.66) 9.40  ±  1.85 (0.0) 10.48

Notes.  The goodness-of-fit is indicated by the reduced chi-squared parameter, . See Sect. 5.3 for a description of the parameters.


The shape parameters b, x and w were fixed to the results of the maxBCG/FIRST analysis with no priors.

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