Fig. 2

The 280 to 800 nm spectra of the PAHs anthracene a), pyrene b), benzo[ghi]perylene c), and coronene d) in H2O ice, photolyzed at 25 K. Negative features indicate that the corresponding band carrier is destroyed, positive bands indicate that a species is formed. Hydrogen emission lines (sharp negative signals) originating from the VUV lamp are labeled with an H. The mixing ratios are 1:700, 1:5.000, 1:2.500, and 1:4.000 (PAH:H2O) for anthracene, pyrene, benzo[ghi]perylene, and coronene, respectively. The molecular structures are indicated in the corresponding spectra. Note that the y-axes for the different spectra are adjusted to facilitate the display and consequently band intensities of different species cannot be directly compared.
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