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Table A.1

Parameters of the observed CH3OH, CH2DOH, and CH3OD transitions.

Transition Frequency Spectroscopic E up
(GHz) parameter μ2S (Deb2) (cm-1) OMC2FIR4 CepheusE W3(H2O) G24.78+0.08

CH3OH K km s-1

0(+0),0−1(−1),1 E 108.8939 1.0 9.03 1.43  ±  0.01 0.49  ±  0.01 4.68  ±  0.03 9.45  ±  0.02
14(+5),10−15(+4),11 E 109.1387 3.4 264 (0.04) (0.03) 1.09  ±  0.03 0.82  ±  0.02
16(−2),15−16(+1),15 E 109.1531 3.7 238 (0.04) (0.03) 0.92  ±  0.03 0.77  ±  0.03
72,5−81,8 A 111.2896 2.3 71.6 0.25  ±  0.01 (0.03) 3.97  ±  0.03 2.16  ±  0.04
62,5−71,6 A 132.6219 2.0 59.6 0.48  ±  0.02 0.07  ±  0.01 6.80  ±  0.19 2.54  ±  0.05
6(−1),6−5(+0),5 E 132.8907 3.7 37.5 11.30  ±  0.04 2.81  ±  0.01 11.09  ±  0.10 21.03  ±  0.04
5(−2),4−6(−1),6 E 133.6055 1.6 42.4 0.62  ±  0.03 (0.03) 4.77  ±  0.03 2.58  ±  0.02
12(−3),10−13(−2),12 E 134.2311 3.9 170 (0.03) 0.09  ±  0.01 3.61  ±  0.03 1.50  ±  0.02
82,7−73,4 A 134.8970 1.8 84.1 0.93  ±  0.01 0.21  ±  0.01 4.55  ±  0.04 2.69  ±  0.03
82,6−73,5 A 135.3768 1.8 84.1 0.33  ±  0.01 (0.03) 4.14  ±  0.07 2.20  ±  0.02

CH2DOH mK km s-1

918−909 o1 110.1054 3.3 83.4 (32) (46) (73) (103)
303−202 e1 133.8473 1.1 18.3 24  ±  9 (35) (90) (95)
303−202 o1 133.8729 1.1 21.7 (27) 35  ±  7 (25) (41)
322−221 o1 133.8818 0.6 33.6 (27) (25) (29) (57)
322−221 e1 133.8929 0.6 27.4 (27) (25) (29) (57)
321−220 o1 133.8974 0.6 33.6 41  ±  8 (24) (29) (57)
321−220 e1 133.9302 0.6 27.4 (28) 37  ±  6 (37) (48)
303−202 e0 134.0655 1.2 8.90 66  ±  7 89  ±  4 (27) (49)
322−221 e0 134.1124 0.7 20.2 (28) (19) (24) (54)
321−220 e0 134.1854 0.7 20.2 25  ±  9 (29) (72) (69)

CH3OD mK km s-1

11−10 110.1889 1.6 7.8 (40) (40) (40) (94)
21−20 110.2626 2.7 10.8 57  ±  11 (45) 93  ±  18 (95)
31−30 110.4758 3.8 15.4 (55) (43) (67) (108)
11−−10+ 133.9254 3.2 6.00 28  ±  6 17  ±  4 116  ±  12 141  ±  16

Notes. Fluxes are expressed in main-beam temperature unit. Upper limits (in parentheses) are given at 3σ and include both statistical and calibration uncertainties. In contrast, for the detected lines, only 1σ statistical uncertainties are given; total uncertainties are given by the quadratic sum of these statistical uncertainties and of 15% calibration uncertainties. According to the detected CH3OH lines, upper limits for both isotopologues were estimated using linewidths of 5 km s-1, except for low resolution spectra (velocity resolution of ~5 km s-1) where linewidths of 9 km s-1 were assumed. We have also checked that the relative intens ities of the detected lines and the upper limits on the other lines from CH2DOH and CH3OD are consistent with predictions at local thermodynamic equilibrium to within a factor two. The asterisk denotes the uncertain identification of the CH3OD line (133.9254 GHz) in G24.78+0.08.

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