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Table 20

Valid TDISPn format values in BINTABLE extensions.

Field value Data type

Aw Character
Lw Logical
Iw.m Integer
Bw.m Binary, integers only
Ow.m Octal, integers only
Zw.m Hexadecimal, integers only
Fw.d Floating-point, fixed decimal notation
Ew.dEe Floating-point, exponential notation
ENw.d Engineering; E format with exponent multiple of three
ESw.d Scientific; same as EN but non-zero leading digit if not zero
Gw.dEe General; appears as F if significance not lost, else E.
Dw.dEe Floating-point, exponential notation

Notes. w is the width in characters of displayed values, m is the minimum number of digits displayed, d is the number of digits to right of decimal, and e is number of digits in exponent. The .m and Ee fields are optional.

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