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Table 9

Number of focal plane transits after 5 years of mission as a function of the ecliptic latitude β.

 | sin(β) |  βmin (deg) βmax (deg) N obs

0.025 0.0 2.9 61
0.075 2.9 5.7 61
0.125 5.7 8.6 62
0.175 8.6 11.5 62
0.225 11.5 14.5 63
0.275 14.5 17.5 65
0.325 17.5 20.5 66
0.375 20.5 23.6 68
0.425 23.6 26.7 71
0.475 26.7 30.0 75
0.525 30.0 33.4 80
0.575 33.4 36.9 87
0.625 36.9 40.5 98
0.675 40.5 44.4 122
0.725 44.4 48.6 144
0.775 48.6 53.1 106
0.825 53.1 58.2 93
0.875 58.2 64.2 85
0.925 64.2 71.8 80
0.975 71.8 90.0 75

Mean 0.0 90.0 81

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