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Table B.2:

Julian day, flux, and uncertainty values for the millimeter light curve on 2009 March 17, recorded at a central frequency of 90.0 GHz with the IRAM PdBI.

 Julian day
Flux $\sigma $  Julian day Flux $\sigma $  Julian day Flux $\sigma $  Julian day Flux $\sigma $
(+2450000) [mJy] [mJy] (+2450000) [mJy] [mJy] (+2450000) [mJy] [mJy] (+2450000) [mJy] [mJy]
4908.028 12.8 1.7 4908.110 15.4 1.3 4908.199 12.5 0.9 4908.288 10.5 0.9
4908.029 9.4 1.7 4908.111 12.3 1.2 4908.200 9.4 0.9 4908.289 12.4 0.9
4908.030 17.0 1.7 4908.112 10.7 1.2 4908.201 12.4 0.9 4908.290 8.5 0.9
4908.031 12.1 1.7 4908.122 12.1 1.0 4908.202 11.6 0.9 4908.291 10.5 0.9
4908.032 11.6 1.7 4908.123 13.3 1.0 4908.203 11.1 0.9 4908.292 11.4 0.9
4908.033 11.8 1.7 4908.124 13.5 1.0 4908.204 12.2 0.9 4908.293 11.6 0.9
4908.034 8.5 1.6 4908.125 13.1 1.0 4908.214 11.8 0.8 4908.294 13.0 0.9
4908.035 9.4 1.6 4908.126 13.9 1.0 4908.215 11.4 0.8 4908.295 12.6 0.9
4908.036 10.1 1.6 4908.127 12.1 1.0 4908.216 12.6 0.8 4908.296 10.4 0.9
4908.037 12.9 1.6 4908.128 14.0 1.0 4908.217 13.5 0.8 4908.305 11.2 0.9
4908.038 15.4 1.6 4908.129 9.4 1.0 4908.218 11.9 0.9 4908.306 12.1 0.9
4908.039 13.0 1.6 4908.130 13.7 1.0 4908.219 12.1 0.9 4908.307 11.5 0.9
4908.040 11.5 1.6 4908.131 11.6 1.0 4908.220 10.6 0.9 4908.308 11.4 0.9
4908.041 13.9 1.6 4908.132 12.4 1.0 4908.221 12.6 0.9 4908.309 12.0 0.9
4908.042 15.6 1.6 4908.133 12.7 1.0 4908.222 12.4 0.9 4908.311 13.3 0.9
4908.050 13.2 1.6 4908.134 13.4 1.0 4908.223 9.4 0.9 4908.312 9.9 0.9
4908.051 13.1 1.6 4908.135 10.9 1.0 4908.224 12.0 0.9 4908.313 12.3 0.9
4908.052 13.5 1.6 4908.136 12.5 1.0 4908.225 12.8 0.9 4908.314 13.0 0.9
4908.053 13.9 1.6 4908.144 11.9 0.9 4908.226 10.3 0.9 4908.315 9.3 1.0
4908.054 13.9 1.6 4908.145 10.9 0.9 4908.227 13.2 0.9 4908.316 13.1 1.0
4908.055 11.0 1.6 4908.146 11.2 0.9 4908.228 9.8 0.9 4908.317 12.5 1.0
4908.056 12.0 1.6 4908.147 11.8 0.9 4908.235 13.2 0.8 4908.318 10.8 1.0
4908.057 9.0 1.6 4908.148 10.1 0.9 4908.237 11.5 0.8 4908.319 11.2 1.0
4908.058 10.6 1.6 4908.149 14.1 0.9 4908.238 10.8 0.8 4908.320 10.0 1.0
4908.059 13.0 1.6 4908.150 12.1 0.9 4908.239 9.8 0.8 4908.327 11.1 1.0
4908.060 12.0 1.6 4908.151 11.1 0.9 4908.240 10.9 0.8 4908.328 12.7 1.0
4908.061 10.6 1.6 4908.152 12.1 0.9 4908.241 12.1 0.8 4908.329 12.3 1.0
4908.062 11.0 1.6 4908.153 11.0 0.9 4908.242 9.5 0.8 4908.330 11.4 1.0
4908.063 10.4 1.6 4908.154 11.6 0.9 4908.243 11.0 0.8 4908.331 10.5 1.0
4908.064 11.9 1.6 4908.155 12.3 0.9 4908.244 11.6 0.8 4908.332 11.9 1.0
4908.076 14.1 1.1 4908.156 13.6 0.9 4908.245 11.3 0.8 4908.333 11.0 1.0
4908.077 12.5 1.1 4908.157 10.3 0.9 4908.246 11.3 0.8 4908.334 12.6 1.0
4908.078 11.0 1.1 4908.158 11.2 0.9 4908.247 10.9 0.8 4908.335 12.3 1.0
4908.079 13.0 1.1 4908.168 12.0 0.9 4908.248 12.5 0.8 4908.336 12.9 1.0
4908.080 11.3 1.1 4908.169 12.1 0.9 4908.249 12.8 0.8 4908.337 12.1 1.0
4908.081 12.2 1.1 4908.170 11.9 0.9 4908.250 10.9 0.8 4908.338 13.6 1.0
4908.082 14.8 1.1 4908.171 13.3 0.9 4908.260 11.3 0.9 4908.340 12.8 1.0
4908.083 11.4 1.1 4908.172 11.8 0.9 4908.261 12.5 0.9 4908.341 16.1 1.0
4908.084 13.7 1.1 4908.173 11.4 0.9 4908.262 10.5 0.9 4908.342 11.6 1.0
4908.085 11.4 1.1 4908.174 11.5 0.9 4908.263 12.8 0.9 4908.351 19.2 1.1
4908.086 12.8 1.1 4908.175 12.6 0.9 4908.264 12.8 0.9 4908.352 18.6 1.1
4908.087 13.8 1.1 4908.176 12.1 0.9 4908.265 13.9 0.9 4908.353 18.0 1.1
4908.088 14.5 1.1 4908.177 12.9 0.9 4908.266 12.5 0.9 4908.354 17.2 1.1
4908.089 13.7 1.1 4908.178 11.8 0.9 4908.267 11.1 0.9 4908.355 20.9 1.1
4908.091 13.5 1.1 4908.179 10.7 0.9 4908.268 10.3 0.9 4908.356 16.4 1.1
4908.098 8.1 1.3 4908.180 13.0 0.9 4908.269 11.8 0.9 4908.357 18.7 1.1
4908.099 12.4 1.3 4908.181 12.0 0.9 4908.270 9.8 0.9 4908.358 16.6 1.1
4908.100 12.2 1.3 4908.182 12.3 0.9 4908.271 12.3 0.9 4908.359 16.4 1.1
4908.101 13.0 1.3 4908.190 11.8 0.9 4908.272 12.3 0.9 4908.360 18.1 1.1
4908.102 7.9 1.3 4908.191 11.8 0.9 4908.273 15.2 0.9 4908.361 17.9 1.1
4908.103 15.9 1.3 4908.192 13.8 0.9 4908.274 12.2 0.9 4908.363 15.6 1.4
4908.104 12.9 1.3 4908.193 11.9 0.9 4908.281 11.2 0.9 4908.364 17.9 1.4
4908.105 10.4 1.3 4908.194 12.9 0.9 4908.282 10.0 0.9 4908.365 16.9 1.4
4908.106 11.7 1.3 4908.195 10.4 0.9 4908.283 10.0 0.9 4908.366 16.0 1.4
4908.107 12.2 1.3 4908.196 10.7 0.9 4908.284 13.4 0.9      
4908.108 11.5 1.3 4908.197 12.1 0.9 4908.285 13.0 0.9      
4908.109 11.2 1.3 4908.198 12.4 0.9 4908.286 9.9 0.9      

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