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Table 2:

Global Properties (see text for references).

Type N* MV $I_{\rm TRGB}$ AF814W AF606Wa $(m-M)_{\rm O}$ R $r_{\rm eff}$
      (mag) (mag) (mag) (mag) (mag) (kpc) $(\prime\prime)$
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
KDG 61 dIrr / dSph 53 543 -13.87 $23.86\pm0.15$ 0.131 0.202 $27.78\pm0.15$ 44 48
KDG 64 dIrr / dSph 38 012 -13.43 $23.90\pm0.15$ 0.099 0.152 $27.84\pm0.15$ 126 28
DDO 71 dIrr / dSph 37 291 -13.22 $23.83\pm0.15$ 0.173 0.267 $27.72\pm0.15$ 211 59
F12D1 dSph 39 519 -12.84 $23.95\pm0.15$ 0.263 0.404 $27.71\pm0.15$ 181 31
DDO 78 dSph 21 073 -12.83 $23.85\pm0.15$ 0.040 0.079 $27.85\pm0.15$ 223 38
DDO 44 dSph 19 357 -12.56 $23.55\pm0.15$ 0.075 0.149 $27.52\pm0.15$ 901 28
IKN dSph 14 600 -11.51 $23.94\pm0.15$ 0.111 0.171 $27.87\pm0.18$ 110 ...
F6D1 dSph 14 260 -11.46 $23.77\pm0.14$ 0.144 0.222 $27.66\pm0.17$ 218 32
HS 117 dIrr / dSph 4 596 -11.31 $24.16\pm0.15$ 0.210 0.323 $27.99\pm0.18$ 204 29

Notes. (a) Or AF475W in the case of DDO 44 and DDO 78.

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