Table 1:

Integral fluxes and fluxes of the emission knots from the ISOCAM 15 $\mu $m, Spitzer-MIPS 24 $\mu $m, and Herschel-PACS 70, 100, and 160 $\mu $m maps.

knot ID
fluxes (mJy)
  15 $\mu $m 24 $\mu $m 70 $\mu $m 100 $\mu $m 160 $\mu $m
integral 1720 5960 67 200 102 000 95 500
NS 34.8 72.0 1726 1728 1489
K1 341.5 1282 8144 8567 5030
K2a 61.0 159.9 2529 4004 68942
K2b+c 81.2 251.9 3474 5999  
K3a 14.0 43.0 529.1 15491 -
K3b 7.8 21.9 316.1   -
K4 20.2 39.9 742.6 847.5 509.1
NN 84.7 260.7 3360 4904 4470
A1a+b 17.5 34.0 708.2 858.4 500.7
A2 6.0 17.9 282.4 508.0 -
A3 48.0 116.4 1695 1699 1353
A4b 12.1 20.5 698.6 693.8 744.63
A4c 5.3 19.9 216.3 368.8  
A4d 3.8 5.9 81.6 - -
A5a 3.3 5.7 64.9 340.21 441.12
A5b 3.7 4.5 66.5    
A5c 2.7 4.9 110.5 237.9  
A6 9.2 26.8 269.9 318.6 -

Notes. The labelling of the knots follows Fig. 3. The photometric accuracy is estimated to be $\pm$20%. (1) a+b; (2) a+b+; (c) b+c.

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