Notes. (a) Fluxes are measured from Gaussian fits. Lines marked with a colon are only weakly detected. Listed uncertainties are 68% confidence intervals, upper limits are 95% confidence intervals. The uncertainties do not include the 50% error margin in the relative spectral response function. (b) The total flux is less than the combined flux from the central spaxel, the red outflow and the blue outflow. This is a result of higher noise in the spectrum summed over all spaxels, leading to a different fit and PSF over-correction. (c) The CO 23-22 and H2O 414-303 lines at 113.5 m are blended. (d) The CO 31-30 and OH 3/2,7/2-3/2,5/2 lines at 84.4 m are blended. (e) Doublet transitions. (f) Blue- and red-shifted components of the [O I] 63.2 m line. The blue component is not detected in the spaxels covering the red outflow, and vice versa. Futhermore, the red component is not detected in the central spaxel.
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