Table A.1:

PEP fields: total exposure times, noise properties, flux levels for 80% completeness and 30% spurious fraction, statistics of blind catalogs, and results of maximum-likelihood match to the multi-wavelength ancillary catalogs (labeled ``multi'', GOODS-N only).

Area $t_{\exp}$ rms N(PACS) Compl. Spur.
& band   [h] [mJy] ${>}3\sigma$ 80% 30%
GOODS-N 100 $10^\prime\times15^\prime$ 30 1.00 291 5.5 2.5
GOODS-N 160 $10^\prime\times15^\prime$ 30 1.90 317 11.0 7.0
100+160 - - - 201 - -
100+multi - - - 254 - -
160+multi - - - 274 - -
100+160+multi - - - 187 - -
100+multi+zspec - - - 162 - -
160+multi+zspec - - - 169 - -
100+160+multi+zspec - - - 125 - -
A2218 100 $4^\prime\times4^\prime$ 13 0.84 98 5.4 3.0
A2218 160 $4^\prime\times4^\prime$ 13 1.59 94 11.8 7.6
LHa 100 $24^\prime\times24^\prime$ 35 $\sim$1.3 $\sim$780 $\sim$7.0 $\sim$4.0
LHa 160 $24^\prime\times24^\prime$ 35 $\sim$2.7 $\sim$700 $\sim$14.5 $\sim$9.5
COSMOSb 100 $85^\prime\times85^\prime$ 182 $\sim$2.0 $\sim$5750 $\sim$9.5 $\sim$6.3
COSMOSb 160 $85^\prime\times85^\prime$ 182 $\sim$4.0 $\sim$4900 $\sim$20.5 $\sim$12.0

Notes. (a) The PEP Lockman Hole field is the ROSAT-HRI and XMM field. (b) COSMOS will reach 213 h of integration at full depth.

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