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Table 4:

Tentative results of the analysis for asteroids from Table 1.

$H_{\rm MPC}$ H P A
        h mag
(1947) Iso-Heikkilä 10.8 11.51/11.51/11.52 (3.2895/5.0158/6.3792) 0.23/0.35/0.39
(8914) Nickjames 12.8 12.81/12.82/12.83 (5.0669/5.347/6.406) 0.20/0.20/0.15
(12104) Chesley 12.4 12.76 3.9456 0.75
(32257) 2000 OW52 13.2 13.13 (13.12/13.12) 11.413 (6.6990/21.785) 0.28 (0.26/0.26)
(35774) 1999 JL9 13.9 14.27/14.25/14.25 (2.1312/7.860/22.11) 0.23/0.15/0.17
(39132) 2000 WU58 13.5 14.32 (14.33/14.30) 20.663 (14.439/36.31) 0.69 (0.60/0.62)
(42306) 2001 VU46 14.5 14.86/14.86 (2.2537/2.3651) 0.20/0.20
(57252) 2001 QS96 13.0 13.60/13.61/13.60 (7.209/10.310/11.427) 0.36/0.41/0.30
(58673) 1997 YA9 14.2 14.87/14.87/14.94 (6.918/9.731/19.365) 0.47/0.52/0.71
(62781) 2000 UE23 14.9 14.84/14.80/14.85 (17.95/28.94/71.7) 0.8/1.1/1.1
(63029) 2000 WH57 13.8 14.02/14.02/14.02 (2.2667/8.693/13.641) 0.25/0.19/0.19
(63376) 2001 HA38 16.5 16.10/16.09/16.09 (2.0122/9.439/9.735) 0.17/0.14/0.14
(65200) 2002 CL294 14.2 14.65/14.59 (2.4206/6.461) 0.48/0.38
(68480) 2001 TQ49 14.9 15.52/15.53/15.46 (2.6982/4.4044/17.246) 0.40/0.39/0.32
(79530) 1998 QD4 15.8 16.02/16.03/16.04 (2.9623/12.117/24.51) 0.20/0.20/0.20
(88005) 2000 UR44 14.1 14.22/14.22/14.23 (11.726/15.524/22.958) 0.26/0.27/0.26
(89891) 2002 CQ256 15.3 15.14/15.15 (2.2512/8.258) 0.34/0.31
(101812) 1999 JD7 15.1 15.46/15.46/15.48 (2.47433/7.420/9.354) 0.24/0.22/0.22
(106590) 2000 WQ107 14.2 14.76/14.73 (2.77757/21.67) (0.19/0.16)
(110634) 2001 TY165 14.6 15.04/15.03 (2.75308/4.9311) 0.29/0.26
(110755) 2001 UT13 14.9 15.35/15.38 (46.9/49.0) 0.8/0.75
(119574) 2001 VT90 15.3 15.80/15.78 (2.9245/43.40) 0.24/0.24
(119651) 2001 XE49 14.8 15.28 (2.8458) 0.39
(124135) 2001 LS 16.0 15.96/15.95 (3.6217/5.4315) (0.17/0.22)
(125136) 2001 UY61 15.3 15.49/15.49 (2.94565/11.596) 0.23/0.14
(125779) 2001 XL145 15.1 15.47/15.42/15.42 (2.57199/7.655/11.251) 0.29/0.28/0.28
(128018) 2003 JA14 14.3 14.42/14.44/14.44 (4.8539/8.083/12.192) 0.34/0.36/0.31
(128343) 2004 GQ5 16.1 16.20/16.19/16.23 (2.4776/4.2251/26.53) 0.25/0.19/0.3
(148844) 2001 VA22 14.9 15.40 (3.1961) (0.5)
(149182) 2002 JX69 14.5 14.98/14.98 (2.8950/3.2926) 0.30/0.30
(151057) 2001 VO14 15.6 15.86/15.86 20.631/36.20 0.6/0.6
(153695) 2001 US35 15.6 15.84/15.86/15.86 (4.0108/18.61/30.43) 0.39/0.34/0.33
(153822) 2001 WH37 15.8 16.05/16.04 (5.6388/7.373) 0.18/0.20
(153879) 2001 XY141 16.2 16.49/16.52 (2.3455/4.6939) 0.13/0.18
(153937) 2001 YG97 15.2 15.63/15.65 (3.6951/16.313) 0.18/0.22
(156751) 2002 XL92 16.8 17.28 (17.28) 6.5287 (5.7470) 0.8 (0.9)
(160318) 2003 JR8 14.8 14.98/14.99 (4.0945/21.83) 0.28/0.24
(214479) 2005 TB73 14.4 14.75/14.75 20.594/36.06 0.84/0.96
(215187) 2000 LQ25 15.5 16.06/16.05 17.735/12.945 0.61/0.58
(219686) 2001 WE37 17.0 17.15 (17.15/17.15) 10.214 (8.420/12.979) 0.49 (0.45/0.40)
(221267) 2005 US313 15.7 16.00/16.03/15.99 (3.8397/6.8759/14.514) 0.10/0.19/0.12
(225873) 2001 YL4 15.8 16.13/16.11/16.09 (2.8464/3.1010/7.2122) 0.39/0.39/0.42
  1992 WW6 16.2 16.45 6.3666 0.77
  2003 GG51 15.4 15.45/15.45/15.47 (5.9437/6.785/8.423) 0.45/0.49/0.50
  2005 RF47 17.4 17.39/17.42 13.556/18.887 0.55/0.67
  2005 SF286 17.4 17.38/17.33/17.34 (2.1145/2.36990/8.889) 0.40/0.59/0.40
  2005 SS287 16.4 16.46/16.50/16.52 (11.395/14.791/21.40) 0.59/0.59/0.62
  2005 UV108 15.5 15.73/15.75/15.76 (4.1676/11.634/22.62) 0.53/0.48/0.47
  2005 UC130 16.7 16.85/16.84/16.85 (4.4018/6.4083/21.83) 0.18/0.20/0.20
  2005 UO213 15.7 15.78/15.76 (2.7128/30.73) 0.28/0.31
  2005 UU396 15.2 15.49/15.49/15.50 (5.812/7.689/11.288) 0.25/0.26/0.26
  2005 VR131 16.2 16.27/16.30/16.26 (4.5051/5.2737/5.5483) 0.26/0.36/0.29
  2005 VS131 16.0 16.24/16.26/16.25 (2.7107/6.246/15.67) 0.33/0.29/0.26
  2007 EP39 17.4 17.69 5.7700 0.51

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