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Table 3:

Results of analysis for ten asteroids from Table 2.

$H_{\rm MPC}$ H G P $\sigma_P$ $\Delta P$ A n RMS RMS $_{\rm SDSS}$
        h h h mag   mag mag
    (728)  Leonisis 12.8 13.04 0.15  5.5789 0.0004    0.0002 0.33 3   0.015
  (1534)  Näsi 11.7 11.96 0.19  7.9338 0.0003    0.0005 0.51 3   0.011
  (1829)  Dawson 12.5 12.71 (0.15)  4.25009 0.00008    0.00026 0.28 6 0.017 0.029
  (2453)  Wabash 11.2 11.39 (0.15)  6.8792 0.0001    0.0003 0.63 5 0.029 0.023
  (2659)  Millis 11.2 11.59 -0.08   6.1242 0.0008 <0.0001 0.84 2   0.035
  (7760)  1990  RW3 13.2 13.61 (0.15) 25.911 0.003    0.010 0.35 6 0.020 0.037
  (8405)  Asbolus   9.0 9.26 0.35  4.4682 0.0003 <0.0001 0.34 1   0.023
  (9368)  Esashi 13.3 13.71 0.15  2.9196 0.0002    0.0001 0.14 2   0.015
(30825)  1990  TG1 14.8 14.81 (0.15) (2.6243)      0.0001 0.11 2   0.022
(35690)  1999  CT21 14.0 14.47 (0.15)  9.028 0.003 <0.001 0.50 2   0.061

Notes.  $H_{\rm MPC}$ is the absolute magnitude used in Minor Planet Center. Values in parenthesis are assumed. RMS is related to all available observations (including SDSS).

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