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Table 2:

The most frequently observed asteroids by SDSS that have known lightcurves from the independent study elsewhere.

U LC N Analysed
(728) Leonisis 3 2007 17 (15) yes
(1534) Näsi 3- 2007 15 (12) yes
(1829) Dawson 2 2002    
(1829) Dawson 3 2005 8 (7) yes
(1829) Dawson 3 2007    
(2453) Wabash 3 2005 14 (11) yes
(2659) Millis 3 1991 11 (10) yes
(2903) Zhuhai 2 2000 10 (8) no
(4467) Kaidanovskij 1 2005 14 (13) no
(5288) Nankichi 2 2007 10 (9) no
(5448) Siebold 3 2007 10 (9) no
(7760) 1990 RW3 3 2005 8 (8) yes
(8405) Asbolus 2 1996    
(8405) Asbolus 3 1997    
(8405) Asbolus 3 2005 14 (12) yes
(9368) Esashi 3 2007 10 (10) yes
(16706) Svojsík 1 2003 10 (9) no
(30825) 1990 TG1 3 2005 10 (9) yes
(35690) 1999 CT21 2 2000 14 (14) yes

Notes. U is the index of quality for rotation period determination, LC denotes the year at which the best lightcurve was obtained, N is the number of (reliable) SDSS observations in 2005.

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