Free Access
Asteroid | N | Asteroid | N | Asteroid | N | Asteroid | N | Asteroid | N |
(1947) | 25 | (63376) | 23 | (119651) | 21 | (153879) | 22 (21) | 2005 RF47 | 21 |
(8914) | 24 | (65200) | 23 | (124135) | 28 (26) | (153937) | 22 | 2005 SF286 | 21 |
(12104) | 24 | (68480) | 23 | (125136) | 22 (21) | (156751) | 22 | 2005 SS287 | 21 |
(32257) | 21 (20) | (79530) | 22 | (125779) | 24 | (160318) | 22 (21) | 2005 UV108 | 21 (19) |
(35774) | 21 (20) | (88005) | 22 | (128018) | 22 | (214479) | 22 | 2005 UC130 | 23 |
(39132) | 23 | (89891) | 21 | (128343) | 24 (23) | (215187) | 23 (21) | 2005 UO213 | 23 |
(42306) | 24 (22) | (101812) | 21 | (148844) | 21 (20) | (219686) | 21 (20) | 2005 UU396 | 23 |
(57252) | 21 (19) | (106590) | 23 | (149182) | 25 | (221267) | 21 | 2005 VR131 | 24 (23) |
(58673) | 22 (21) | (110634) | 22 | (151057) | 21 | (225873) | 21 | 2005 VS131 | 22 |
(62781) | 21 | (110755) | 24 (23) | (153695) | 21 (20) | 1992 WW6 | 23 | 2007 EP39 | 23 |
(63029) | 22 | (119574) | 23 | (153822) | 22 | 2003 GG51 | 22 (19) |
Notes. The number of observations within a single apparition is in parenthesis.
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